We know about food

……… Amauta’s Business ……….

Amauta’s Business EIRL is a leading company in the production and export of Peruvian agricultural products

………………  Our Products  ………………





Andean Grains

………………  Maquila's services  ………………


Legume Processing

The service involves receiving, selecting, calibrating, packaging, and labeling legumes directly from the field, always providing a service in accordance with the demands of the national and international markets.


Dried Pepper Processing

The service for the de-stemming of dried capsicums, such as paprika, guajillo, ancho chili, etc., involves the selection and removal of the stem from sun-dried peppers. Subsequently, they are packaged in cardboard boxes according to the customer's requirements.


………………  Who we are  ………………


AMAUTA’S BUSINESS EIRL is a Peruvian family business with more than +20 YEARS in the market, dedicated to the production, collection and selection of agricultural products. We mainly serve agro-exporting and food processing companies in the domestic market and we cover the international demand by exporting to markets such as: United States, Panama, Croatia, Arab Emirates, among others.