……. ABOUT US …….

Amauta’s Business EIRL is a leading company in the production and marketing of Peruvian agricultural products.


……….  Who we are  ………..

AMAUTA’S BUSINESS EIRL is a Peruvian family business with more than +20 YEARS in the market, dedicated to the production, collection and selection of agricultural products. We mainly serve agro-exporting and food processing companies in the domestic market and we cover the international demand by exporting to markets such as: United States, Panama, Croatia, Arab Emirates, among others.

Our main clients are agro-exporting and food processing companies, such as: Globe Natural, Doña Isabel, S&M Foods, among others.

We have a PROCESSING PLANT that has the capacity to ship containers meeting the quality standards supported by our national and international customers.

……….  Where we are located  ………..

Where we are located: We are located in the province of Barranca, located north of the city of Lima, 190 kilometers from the Port of Callao and 119 kilometers from the Port of Chancay. The province of Barranca is characterized for being an agricultural area specialized in capsicums, vegetables and fruits. It is also home to the Caral citadel, considered the oldest civilization in America.


………………  Certifications  ………………

We have quality certifications and work with entities that are in charge of inspecting, verifying, supervising and certifying the quality of our products, such as: Maquila Services
